Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We Need Rain

“We need rain.” 

Living in Florida, I have heard this phrase often lately.  We look around and see the consequences of the drought - yellowing lawns and patches of dirt and sand where grass used to abound.  How ironic as humans, recognizing that for nature’s beauty to blossom, we proclaim “We need rain,” yet in our lives, we curse when the dark clouds roll in.

During the storms of life, it is our nature to focus on the heavy downpours and the darkness, the whipping winds and the booms of thunder.  In darkness, the greening of the grass cannot be seen.  But what if we shifted our focus to see the Sonlight in the midst of the storms?  What if we challenged ourselves to see that without the rain, we would suffer a drought in our walks with the Lord?  Imagine if we could change our minds to see ourselves as dry and famished like the blades of grass, starving for the nutrition only the rain can provide us to develop our beauty.  Would we weather storms differently then?

Like the blades of grass, instead of shrinking in the rain or seeking cover, we need to open ourselves up to embrace it and soak it in.  We should see the rain as our sustenance – a necessity for us to be what we were created to be.  Without the rain, we would not grow. The rain is our opportunity to absorb His love and concern for us, be strengthened and encouraged, and blossom. It develops our character, our beauty, and our dependence upon the Lord for life. 

“We need rain.”

1 comment:

  1. I actually did this yesterday, albeit physically not spiritually. I think your point about the fury of the storm distracting us from the nourishment or edification the storm is bringing is true, much as it did when Peter tried walking on water. The solution for us is the same, keeping our eyes on Jesus despite the present conditions.
