Wednesday, June 22, 2011


You see the green path on the screen.  Continue straight for five miles.  You know the voice, “In one mile, take exit on left.”  Then it happens.  You get distracted.  A child cries from the backseat.  A phone call.  A billboard.  Loss of satellite connection.  And then you hear it, that dreaded word.  “Recalculating.”

Occasionally, like the child in the back seat, our daily life distracts us from going where we should.  Other times, our lives are interrupted unexpectedly like the incoming phone call.  Or, at times, we are distracted by temptations when the billboard catches our eye.  Sometimes, like the loss of satellite, our cause of distraction is due to a lack of connection to the Direction Giver.  But, there is always that word to return us to our course.  “Recalculating.”

In the moment, it is east to get frustrated.  “Great!” we exclaim, realizing we have missed our exit.  “Now what can be done?”  We get upset with ourselves for being distracted enough to miss the turn.  We blame ourselves, because whatever the reason, we should have stayed on course, but we didn’t.  We now feel guilt because of lost time and wonder if we have missed the opportunity to get to our destination.

For God’s children, all things work out for good for those who believe.  No exit we miss for any reason will keep us from the destination He has for us if we get back on His track.  Sometimes we have to make a U-Turn and go back before continuing on.  Other times, we can take the next exit and return to the path.  If we keep listening to that voice, we will get to hear “Arriving at destination ahead.”  One warning: we must make sure we have programmed in the right address, for once we have arrived, there will be no more chances for “recalculating.”  Set your GPS wisely.

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